Schezwan Fried Rice.

Basmati rice - 1/2 kg

Spring onion - 1

Capsicum - 2

Carrot - 1

Beans - 150 gms

Schezwan sauce - 3 tbsps.

Vinegar - 1 tbsp

Soya sauce - 1 tbsp

Pepper powder - 1 tsp

Green chillies - 3-4

Chopped ginger-garlic - 2 tbsp

Oil, Salt

Finely chop all vegetables.

Soak rice in water for 15-20 minutes. Cook and keep aside.

In a Wok, heat oil, saute ginger-garlic, add spring onion , salt and all vegetables. add all rest of the ingredients and saute till vegetables are cooked, add the cooked rice and finally add the spring onion greens. blend well. Serve with Schezwan chicken. 

Schezwan Fried Rice. Schezwan Fried Rice. Reviewed by Rajithascorner on September 01, 2022 Rating: 5

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